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Aenean Lacus Leo

Maecenas consequat ultrices libero. Nunc nec mi orci. Sed iaculis, mauris et volutpat finibus, turpis massa tincidunt enim, quis rutrum nunc odio vel velit. Aliquam dignissim metus diam, eget elementum turpis tempor nec.

Shiafollowers is created and maintained by a group of young Iranian university students from different academic disciplines along with some young students and scholars of Islamic studies, also based in Iran, who are eager to raise the historically less-heard voice of the followers of the progeny of the prophet of Islam (peace be upon them). Having come together based on their common cultural concerns about Shia communities within the Islamic world and in the wider context of the contemporary world, these young men and women are enthusiastically pursuing the goal of adding momentum to the struggling media streams that strive to represent a true image of Shia Islam.

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